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CAN YOU DO TAROT READINGS OVER THE PHONE ?Absolutely Yes! Have you ever received a phone call from a family member 3,000 miles away? Before they even begin to speak, you can sense their energy. In the same way, I am tapping into your energy over the phone. In fact, readings done over the phone can sometimes be even more accurate because I am drawing the cards on your behalf. When clients draw their own cards, they might second-guess themselves, whereas I act as the unbiased instrument of your subconscious without fear of second-guessing which cards to pick
WHAT CAN I EXPECT MY TAROT READING TO BE LIKE ?Tarot is called the 'Mirror of the Soul'. While tarot card readings are generally forward-looking, We will not tell you the name of your future spouse, who will win a sporting event, or who the next president will be. What We can do is help you to unlock the answers inside you regarding paths in life you are taking, choices you are making, and decisions you are considering. Why give away your power of free will to someone else when you can harness your own power to embrace and own your life's journey!
DOES TAROT GIVE YOU A CLEAR ANSWER ?It doesn’t always seem to! But, over time, and especially if you keep a tarot journal, you will be able to see how the cards have been directing you and talking to you over a particular issue. One of the benefits of keeping a tarot journal is that you can go back over a tarot reading and glean something new or different from it. Sometimes we are too emotional, too invested or too close to a problem or issue to see clearly what the tarot is trying to show us. We can also, if we aren’t being fully honest with ourselves, mis-interpret the cards and find when we look back over time, that the tarot was right and we were deluding ourselves.. At other times the answers provided in a tarot reading can feel like a slap across the face because of its brutal honesty. I personally find this happening with so many of my clients who come back to say " You were right, I just was not ready to listen".
HOW LONG DOES EACH TAROT READING SESSION TAKE ?Yes! Users can add video from YouTube or Vimeo with ease: Enter App Settings Click the "Manage Questions" button Click on the question you would like to attach a video to When editing your answer, click on the video icon and then paste the YouTube or Vimeo video URL That's it! A thumbnail of your video will appear in answer text box
CAN THE TAROT ACTUALLY PREDICT THE FUTURE ?They say that the future is not set in stone, and I agree to that . However, as with every choice we make in life, every decision we take, we simply narrows our path toward a destination and so can be guided by the tarot, or any other divination system.
WHY DO SOME TAROT READERS SAY THE FUTURE IS NOT SET IN STONE BUT STILL SEEM TO GIVE A PREDICTIVE TAROT READING ?It is difficult not to, essentially. Tarot has a predictive element to it – we could say prediction is in the tarot’s DNA. Ultimately, we must make a distinction between divination and fortune telling. Divination is communication with a supernatural power, be that gods, goddesses, spirit guides, spirit animals, angels et a whatever name you want to put it tol. That communication may or may not provide a direct and disctinct outcome to an issue. It is most likely to contain information relating to your situation, highlighting what you cannot see or refuse to accept. Some people prefer to use the word divination because it carries within it the connotation of a higher power, a good power.
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